Incorporation Form S.R.L.
Required Documents:
- Color Copy of the bio page of the passport of the Manager and/or Shareholder.
- Color copy of a second valid id. (drivers license, social security, national identity card)

In the case of a company as owner, the following must be provided:
- Articles of Incorporation: Articles of Incorporation of the company,
- Certificate of Incumbency: Recent document that shows that the company is still in force,
- Certificate of Directors,
- Certificate of Domicile: document that indicates the corporate domicile.
- Certificate of Shareholders:
Natural Persons: Passport of the physical shareholders.
Legal entity: In case of corporations, the same list as above.
*Please provide your desired company name:

*Please provide an alternative 1 company name (needed if the desired company name is not available):

*Please provide an alternative 2 company name (needed if the desired company name is not available):

*Main Activity (Please provide a thorough description of the main purpose of the company):

*Registered Address. All local companies must have a physical Costa Rican address. For offshore activities or should you not have a current address in the country, we provide our office address as registered address for your company. This service is included in our initial fees for the first year (Please specify if you will use GLC as your registered address or if you have your own location):

OPTIONAL. Should you have your own registered address, please provide it below. Please specify all address signs (province, county, district, house or office number). :

*Manager 1. Complete name :


*Date of birth:

*Marital Status (Please specify if applicable, number of marriages or divorces):

*Passport Number:



*Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

*Postal Code:



*Phone (Please include country code):

*E-mail Address:

OPTIONAL. Manager 2. Complete name :


Date of birth:

Marital Status (Please specify if applicable, number of marriages or divorces):

Passport Number:



Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

Postal Code:



Phone (Please include country code):

E-mail Address:

*Power/Proxy Limitations. Please specify if Manager (s) will hold any limitation to a specific amount (i.e Managers will have a sum/amount limitation of US$25,000.00. This will imply that any transaction that surpasses the aforesaid amount will require the approval of the stock capital). Answer Yes or No :

OPTIONAL. Acting jointly? This will imply that the joint signature of the Managers will be required in all transactions related to the company. Answer Yes or No.:

*Shareholder 1. Complete Name or Corporate Name:

*Percentage of Ownership :

*Nationality or Jurisdiction:

*Date of birth or Incorporation Date:

*Passport Number or Corporate Registration Number:

*Marital Status (Please specify if applicable, number of marriages or divorces):



*Address Line 1:

*Address Line 2:

*Postal Code:



*Phone (Please include country code):

*E-mail Address:

OPTIONAL. Shareholder 2. Complete Name or Corporate Name:

Percentage of Ownership :

Nationality or Jurisdiction:

Date of birth or Incorporation Date:

Passport Number or Corporate Registration Number:

Marital Status (Please specify if applicable, number of marriages or divorces):



Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

Postal Code:



Phone (Please include country code):

E-mail Address:

OPTIONAL. Additional Services. Mail forwarding. This service allows the client to use our office address as mailing address. Once the mail is delivered to our offices we forward the mail to the address provided by our client using regular mail. This service has a cost of USD 1500.00 to be paid upon request and it is renewed on a yearly basis. Answer Yes or No:

*The signatory declares that has complete knowledge of the clauses contained hereto and that accepts them in full. PLEASE TYPE IN YOUR NAME AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR PASSPORT:

*Please let us know how you found GLC (Website / Company / Referred customer).:

Incorporation Agreement

The present agreement will rule the relationship established between GLC and the Petitioner due to the petitioner s request of legal services directly and inseparably related to the incorporation of a limited liability company in Costa Rica.

By virtue of said relationship the Petitioner agrees to the following terms and conditions
1. The petitioner acknowledges and represents that the information provided to GLC is true, current and valid.

2. The petitioner represents that the Company will not execute/perform any illegal activity pursuant to the laws of Costa Rica or to the jurisdiction in which the company will perform its activities. The petitioner represents that will abide with the laws, statutes, declarations and bylaws related to the pursued intent of the company, following GLC´s advice. GLC will not be held liable by any illegal or unauthorized use of the Company by the client. The petitioner at its sole responsibility will seek advice or legal counsel in the applicable jurisdiction when in doubt on the legality of the activities pursuant to the laws of any jurisdiction.

3. The petitioner represents and guarantees that any asset incorporated to the Company is not the result or is in any way related to any illegal activity; that said asset belongs to the petitioner and that the petitioner holds full power to transfer it into the Company; that the transfer of the assets is not in fraud of the petitioner´s creditors and that the petitioner nor the Company are directly or indirectly related to any illegal activity and that the company will not be used for any illegal purpose or intent.

4. The petitioner acknowledges and represents that should he/she require the service for a resident agent, the sole purpose thereof would be of receiving administrative and judicial notices pursuant to article 18 subparagraph 13) of the Commerce Code and resolution 6265-1.99 issued by the Constitutional Court.

5. Should the service of mail forwarding be requested by the petitioner, GLC commits to send all mail that has been addressed to the petitioner and received at GLC´s offices on a monthly basis and by regular mail.

6. The petitioner acknowledges and represents that any delay or delinquency in the payment of yearly renewals and fees will cause the company to be closed, the appointments to be revoked and the assets to be encumbered or foreclosed. The petitioner also acknowledges that any delay or delinquency in the payment of yearly renewals and fees will cause the suspension of any services provided, at its own cost. The petitioner declares that will hold GLC harmless for any of the aforesaid consequences caused by delays in payment and/or delinquency.

7. The petitioner hereby agrees to present and sign any and all documents that may be necessary for the legalization of legal books should the custody of legal books be required by the petitioner.

8. With the execution of this agreement, the petitioner may appoint a third party as an authorized agent to withdraw the legal books from GLC´s custody. Should the authorized agent be modified, the petitioner will send an e-mail to the effect of authorizing a new agent. The legal books under custody will not be surrendered to any person different from that authorized by the petitioner. After surrendering the books to the authorized agent, GLC will be exempted/dispensed of any liability derived from the handling of the books. After surrendering the books and in virtue of the authorization of the petitioner, the petitioner will hold GLC harmless of any responsibility derived from the destruction, misplacement, or misuse of the books.

8. With the execution of this agreement, the petitioner accepts and understands that he/she must comply with corporate obligations and declarations before the Ministries of Finance and, if necessary, authorizes GLC to do so.

Yearly Renewals

For all of the services listed and described below there is a yearly fee of USD 650.00 This first fee must be paid once the company reaches its first year.

-Registered Address: Use of GLC s Office as the company?s registered address.

-Resident Agent: A resident agent is required in accordance to the article 18 subsection 13 of the Commerce Code if there is no legal representative that is domiciled in Costa Rica. The appointment has to fall upon a local lawyer and its function is strictly related to hearing court and administrative notices.

-Legal book and corporate document custody: Along with the company incorporation the legal books of the company are legalized by the Costa Rican Public Registry. These books allow to make changes in the company and transfer stocks.

-Final Beneficiary Declaration: This Declaration is a requirement established by the Law to Improve the Fight Against Tax Fraude and by the Transparency and Final Beneficiary Regulation. It consists of informing the Authorities who is/are the shareholders of the company. This should be reviewed and updated annually every April, before the 30th day of that month to avoid fines and penalties.

Other Yearly Fees

-Corporate tax: The Corporate Tax established by Law 9428 must be paid within 30 days following the filing of the company for registration before the Public Registry. Subsequently, this tax must be paid each January, before the 31st day of that month to avoid fines and penalties. USD 150.00 approx.